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Just found a powerful and pleasant song presented by Atomic Kitten
and which always brings me energy when listen to it in the morning.
Even the tide is high I'm still holding on, and I'm gonna be the numember one~*(YA!)


The Tide Is High (Atomic Kitten)

The tide is high but im holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that.
Oh no.

Its not things you do that tease and hurt me bad
But its the way you do the things you do to me
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that
Oh no.

The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one

Number one (my number one)
Number one

Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait right here till its my turn
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that
Oh no.

The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one

Number one (my number one)
Number one

Every time that I get the feeling
You give me somethin' to believe in
Every time that I got you near me
I know the way that I want it to be
But you know I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure

Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait right here till its my turn
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that
Oh no...

The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one

Every time that I get the feeling
You give me somethin' to believe in
Every time when I got you near me
I know the way that I want it to be
But you know I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure

中譯:白浪滔滔(Atomic Kitten)

即使白浪滔滔 我不怕 我堅持
Oh 不放棄

Oh 不放棄

即使白浪滔滔 我不怕 我堅持
即使白浪滔滔 我不怕 我堅持

但我懂得自我充實 現在該我出現
Oh 不放棄

即使白浪滔滔 我不怕 我堅持
即使白浪滔滔 我不怕 我堅持


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《A thousand miles》Vanessa Carlton

Making my way down town
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way through the crowd

*And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder if I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you... tonight

It's always times like these
When I think of you
And I wonder if you ever think of me

Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong living in your precious memory (*)

And I, I don't wanna let you know
I, I drown in your memory
I,I don't wanna let this go
I, I've fallen...

And I still need you
And I still miss you
And now I wonder if I could fall into the sky
Do you think time, would pass us by
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...
If I could just hold you... tonight

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Reachin' for Heaven 

All my life
There was just me and my dreams
And the days went ticking by
Like the beat of my heart

Spend my nights
Wondering how it would feel
When the waiting would end
And tomorrow would start
Suddenly I see the light
Out of the darkness I'm coming alive

So this is how it feels
Reachin' for heaven
This is how it feels
Kissing the sky
This is what it means
Touching forever
Like a phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven

All this time
I never knew I was so strong
But you made me find the fire
That was there all along
In your eyes
I can see all I can be
Suddenly I want it all
And I know you'll catch me if ever I fall

So this is how it feels
Reachin' for heaven
And this is how it feels
Kissing the sky
This is what it means
Touching forever
Like a phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven

You alone have shown me
Shining new hope rises now for all
I owe you
It's my turn to show you

This is how it feels
Reachin' for heaven
And this is how it feels
Kissing the sky
This is what it means
Touching forever
Like a phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven

This is how it feels
Kissing the sky
This is what it means
Touching forever
Like a phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven

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黑夜過後太陽就要升起 暴風雨過後也就會天晴
讓我們一起手牽手向前 彩虹就在我們心底

人生路一定有風也有雨 用淚水灌溉生命的勇氣
用希望化作風中的羽翼 讓夢帶走心中的憂鬱


黑夜過後太陽就要升起 暴風雨過後也就會天晴
用希望化作風中的羽翼 讓夢帶走心中的憂鬱



I Love You My Dearest Family~~

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Le Papillon / Michel Serrault & Claire Bouanich

女孩:Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeux?(為什麼雞會下蛋?)
爺爺:Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules.(因為蛋會變成小雞)
女孩:Pourquoi les amoureux s'embrassent?(為什麼情侶們要親吻?)
爺爺:C'est pour que les pigeons roucoulent.(因為鴿子們咕咕叫)
女孩:Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent?(為什麼漂亮的花會凋謝?)
爺爺:Parce que ca fait parti du charme.(因為那是遊戲的一部份)
女孩:Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?(為什麼會有魔鬼又會有上帝?)
爺爺:C'est pour faire parler les curieux.(是為了讓好奇的人有話可說)

女孩:Pourquoi le feu brule le bois?(為什麼木頭會在火裡燃燒?)
爺爺:C'est pour bien rechauffer nos coeurs or.(是為了我們像毛毯一樣的暖)
女孩:Pourquoi la mer se retire?(為什麼大海會有低潮?)
爺爺:C'est pour qu'on lui dise"Encore."(是為了讓人們說:『再來點』)
女孩:Pourquoi le soleil disparait?(為什麼太陽會消失?)
爺爺:Pour l'autre partie du decor.(是為了地球另一邊的裝飾)
女孩:Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?(為什麼會有魔鬼又會有上帝?)
爺爺:C'est pour faire parler les curieux.(是為了讓好奇的人有話可說)

女孩:Pourquoi le lion mange l'agneau?(為什麼狼要吃小羊?)
爺爺:Parce qu'il faut bien se nourrir.(因為他們也要吃東西)
女孩:Pourquoi le lievre et la tortue?(為什麼是烏龜和兔子賽跑?)
爺爺:Parce que rien ne sert de courir.(因為光跑沒什麼用)
女孩:Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes?(為什麼天使會有翅膀?)
爺爺:Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel.(為了讓我們相信會有聖誕老人)
女孩:Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?(為什麼會有魔鬼又會有上帝?)
爺爺:C'est pour faire parler les curieux.(是為了讓好奇的人有話可說)

爺爺:Ca t'a plu, le petit voyage? (你喜歡我們的旅行嗎?)
女孩:Ah oui beaucoup! (非常喜歡)
爺爺:Vous avez vu des belles choses? (我們看到了很多漂亮的東西, 不是嗎?)
女孩:J'aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles (可惜我沒能看到蟋蟀)
爺爺:Des sauterelles ? Pourquoi des sauterelles ? (為什麼是蟋蟀?)
女孩:Et des libellules aussi, (還有蜻蜓)
爺爺:A la prochaine fois, d'accord. (也許下一次吧)
女孩:Je peux te demander quelque chose?(我能問你點事情嗎?)
爺爺:Quoi encore? (又有什麼事?)
女孩:On continue mais cette fois-ci c'est toi qui chantes. (我們繼續, 不過由你來唱?)
爺爺:Pas question. (絕對不可以)
女孩:S'il te plait. (來吧)
爺爺:Non, mais non. (不不不)
女孩:Allez, c'est le dernier couplet. (這是最後一段了) 
爺爺:Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon? (你是不是有點得寸進尺了呢?)

爺爺:Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac? (為什麼我們的心會滴答?)
女孩:Parce que la pluie fait flic flac. (因為雨會發出淅瀝聲)
爺爺:Pourquoi le temps passe si vite? (為什麼時間會跑的這麼快?)
女孩:Parce que le vent lui rend visite. (是風把他都吹跑了)
爺爺:Pourquoi tu me prends par la main? (為什麼你要我握著你的手?)
女孩:Parce qu'avec toi je suis bien. (因為和你在一起, 我感覺很溫暖)
爺爺:Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?(為什麼會有魔鬼又會有上帝?)
女孩:C'est pour faire parler les curieux.(是為了讓好奇的人有話可說)

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Hello everyone!
Today is the first day of May,
I would really like to share with you one lovely song just called "First of May"
It was singed by Fujita Emi, a very cute song!
Wish all you a good May Day!!

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,
we used to love while others used to play.
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
someone else moved in from far away.

Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,
and you don't ask the time of day.
But you and I, our love will never die,
but guess who'll cry come first of May.

The apple tree that grew for you and me,
I watched the apples falling one by one.
And as I recall the moment of them all,
the day I kissed your cheek and you were gone.

Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,
and you don't ask the time of day.
But you and I, our love will never die,
but guess who'll cry come first of May.

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,
do do do do do do do do do ...
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
someone else moved in from far away.

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Another night, another room
Another shadow from a cloud against the moon
An endless blue sky of stars
Wherever my eyes turn, there you are
Another day, another time
Another moment like this, you were by my side
But when the winds catch my hair
Like earth and sea and sky, I know you're there
There are things I wish
I had taken time to say
So many moments I let slip away
But when the shahows fade
With the morning light
I can feel you're all right
Somewhere in a land outside of time
Somewhere only hearts can ever go
Somewhere beyond words and ways and questions why
We still hold the wonder of our love
Seasons come, seasons go
The world keeps turning, and I wonder if you know
My heart of hearts is so full of dreams
I believe that you're the one who'll give them wings
Wherever you may be
In that canopy of stars
I know that you are not so very far
Wherever life takes me
I will carry you
In every dream that comes true
Somewhere in a land outside of time
Somewhere only hearts can ever go
Somewhere beyond words and ways and questions why
We still hold the wonder of our love
Somewhere in a land outside of time
Somewhere between here and skies above
Somewhere deep inside of us where hope never dies
We still hold the wonder of our love
Somewhere in a land outside of time
Somewhere only hearts can ever go
Somewhere deep inside of us where hope never dies
We still hold the wonder of our love
We still hold the wonder of our love

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由台灣前輩作家李臨秋作詞,鄧雨賢作曲的「望春風」 是一首家喻戶曉的小曲,唱來倍覺格外溫馨感人;她是一首根植台灣社會,最深沉底蘊的民謠。擁有美麗意境,展現傳統文化中女孩情竇初開其殷切盼望的款款情懷,無非是觸人肺腑的經典之作!



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